This compilation contains over 1,800 sermons from Stuart Olyott in English and also 150 in French. The vast majority are in mp3 format but we are also adding a number of mp4 videos. We trust you will find these a blessing.
Also a number of shorts have been created by extracting them from his talks they are between 1 to 5 minutes long and can be found on a new Short talks Page.
As requested to make it easier to find new sermon addition to the website, we have created a new page called New Link to sermons. These sermon will also as normal be added to the appropriate category pages. But this page will change very three to six months as new ones are added.
Stuart Olyott mostly preached sermons as a series either from the Old Testament, the New Testament, or as a topical series. The sermon series on this site have been grouped in these categories and may be accessed by clicking the relevant link in the tool bar.
His preaching on both expository and topical material is from the Reformed tradition, Stuart Olyott displays a consistently high standard of clarity and power. His sermons are so well prepared that the structure is easily followed. There has been a steady demand for recordings of his sermons.

(Matthew Henry) Ministers should take their Bibles to the pulpit; Ezra did so. Those who hear the word, should understand it. Reading is good, and preaching is good, but expounding makes reading the better understood, and preaching the more convincing.
So they read distinctly from the book, in the Law of God; and they gave the sense, and helped them to understand the reading. (Nehemiah 8:8)

In the period from 1982 to 1991 Stuart Olyott pastored the Eglise Réformée Baptiste de Lausanne, Switzerland, preaching in French.
From time to time Stuart Olyott would produce notes in the form of handouts with a series. We have been able to make some of these notes available with the relevant series. These have been compiled as pdf files and are available as indicated on the series page or from the Sermon Notes and Articals page.
We warmly and enthusiastically commend the sermons from Stuart Olyott found here. Those of us who have been privileged to sit under the ministry of Stuart Olyott and hear the sermons preached week by week have found that there is nothing quite like 'being there' as the Word of God is expounded; to see people converted under the plain exposition of scripture; to see young believers being grounded in the faith; to see lives being affected as the Lord speaks through the Word. It is our prayer that you too will be blessed as you hear the Word of God expounded in these sermons.