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Church Life      (Various)

This Series is made up from single sermons preached on the Church, dealing with Its Worship, Prayer, Example & Encouragement, Fellowship, Truth and The Lord's Day

The real need of all is Jesus Christ, O come to Him. Mark 5:1-43, 2 Timothy1:9-10, 1 Timothy 1:12-15.   Worship. [John 4:24] Revelation 4:1-5:14   The Church Prayer Meeting. [1 John 5:14-15] Acts 12:1-17.   The Ministry of the Church Prayer Meeting. [John 14:12-14] 1 Timothy 2:1-10.   Be an example to the Believers! [1 Timothy 4:12] 1 Timothy 4:1-16.   Encouraging one another. [Acts 4:36] 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.   What Fellowship means. [Acts 2:42] Acts 2:36-42.   The ministers farewell. [Acts 20:18-35] Acts 20:16-38.   The Truth! there is such a thing as The Truth. 1 Timothy 3:1-16 (Vs14-15).   The Lord's Day. Part 1. Genesis 1:26-2:3.   The Lord's Day. Part 2. Matthew 12:1-13.   A Right understanding of The Lords Day Mark 2;27-28   Evangelism and the local Church.   Seven Basics of the Christian Faith for Church growth. Mark 4;1-20. (Parable of the Sower).   This is how God's work gets done. 2 Corinthians 11;22-12;10.   The very first Baptising Service. Acts 2;1-47.   Church Discipline. Matthew 18; 2 Thessalonians 3; 1 Corinthians 5.   Christ Command to Preach the Gospel & Baptise. Matthew 28;16-20. Acts 8;26-40.   The Baptismal Service & What is Conversion. Acts 9;1-19. (In English & Chinese).   Evangelism, How God Saves Sinners. 1 Corinthians 1;17-2;5.   The meaning of Baptism & a description of what is a Christian. 1Peter 2;18-25. & Acts 8;26-40.   When preaching Kills. Isaiah 6;1-13 (Vs 9 & 10).   Church Growth. Acts 9;1-31. (Vs31).   When God judges His people. Isaiah 63;15-64;12.   The Great Commission. Matthew 28;1-20. (Vs16 - 20).   Christ and children. Matthew 18;1-14.   The Lords Day a day to rest, remember & to worship. Mark 2;27-28.   Choosing a Church. Romans 8;5-9.   Christian living in the Church. Ephesians 4;1-1.   Church Discipline.    Overcoming difficulties in prayer part 1.   The Church the greatest place on earth. 1 Timothy 3:14-15.   Go and make disciples of ALL Nations. Matthew 28;16-20.   The Unity of the Church. Ephesians 4;1-16. (Vs3)   Overcoming difficulties in Prayer. part 1 & 2

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