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Philippians     (2011)

Preached at Christ Church on Deeside. This is an easy practical letter which warns us of dangers. The key word is ‘Christ’, a letter full of joy, affection and warmth written to all the saints

Philippians 1:1-11 Greetings, feelings, prayer.    Philippians 1:12-26 Facing suffering, disappointment and uncertainty.    Philippians 1:27-2:11 Every Church is under threat.  Philippians 2;1-11 Christian Unity Through Humility.    Philippians 2;1-11 (Vs 9-10) Look at Him.    Philippians 2:12-30 Work it out!    Philippians 3:1-11 Upside down is the right way up!    Philippians 3:12-4:1 Forward and upward!    Philippians 4:2-9 Peace; the peace of God; and the God of peace.    Philippians 4;6-7. Matthew 6;25-34.    Christians worry too.   Philippians 4;6-7.  Why there's no reason to ever loss your peace.    Philippians 4:10-23   When you're in a place where no one wants to be.   

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