Q39-42. Ten Commandments. Reveal Gods Will Mans duty is to obey all Gods commandments. Q42-44. The Sum of the Commandments. Love God with your all & your neighbour as yourself. Q45-48. First Commandment. Put the Only One God First, & Worship Him. Q49-52. Second Commandment. How to Worship God, Idols are Forbidden. Q53-56. Third Commandment. Do Not misuse God's Holy Name. Q57-59. Fourth Commandment part 1. Why & When we are to Keep Gods Day Holy. (Sunday). Q60-62. Fourth Commandment part 2. How is Sunday, Gods Day to be Kept. Q63-65. Fifth Commandment. The Family is Gods way, so Honour Father & Mother. Q67-69. Sixth Commandment. Human life is Sacred. You shall do No Murder. Q70-72. Seventh Commandment. Marriage is Gods way, Adultery is Forbidden. Q73-75. Eighth Commandment. Property rights, Stealing is Forbidden. Q76-78. Ninth Commandment. Truth is Sacred, so Lying is Forbidden. Q79-81. Tenth Commandment. Be Content & Don’t Covet anything belonging to another. Q82. Ten Commandments, can anyone keep them? No mere man can perfectly keep all Gods Laws. Q83-84. Are All Breaking of Gods Laws so wicked? All sins are very wicked & deserve Gods wrath & curse. Q85-86. How can we sinners escape, Gods wrath & curse. Only through Faith in Jesus Christ, can you be Saved. Q85-87. How can we escape, Gods wrath & curse due to us for sin? Only by Repentance of our sins, & turning from sinful behaviour. Q85-88. By What outward means are we given Redemption? Christ give Redemption by His Word, the Sacraments & Prayer. Q89-90. How do God outward means of grace, brings about inward graces. God’s Word is used to effectual bring us to Salvation. Q91-93. What Sacraments are used to bring us to Salvation. The Sacraments of Baptism & the Lords Supper. Q94-95. What is Baptism? Baptism is commanded for believers, by immersion, signifying Union with Christ. Q96-97 What is the Lord’s Supper? In coming to the ‘Lord’s Supper’ we examine ourselves & remember Christ.