The Gospel Message
These single talks where all given to make clear the good news of the Gospel. They tell us about are sin and the Judgement of a Holy God. Of God’s plan of Salvation by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, Gods only Son. Through His finished work on the cross, we can have forgiveness of all our sins. Reminding us that to be a Christian it means that we turn from living for self and sin to live for Christ seeking to live holy lives.
Anathema, Maranatha, {O Lord Come} 1 Corinthians 16;22. John 14;15-31. Burning hearts. Luke 24;13-53. (Vs 32). By Grace are you Saved through FAITH. Ephesians 2;1-10 (Vs 8) Come! Come! Come! Revelation 22;1-17. (Vs 17). Come and Welcome. {The Prodigal Son} Luke 15;11-30. (Vs 20-24). Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Revelation 3;14-22. (Vs 20). Coming to Christ. John 6;37. & Isaiah 52;13-53;12. Conversion & Baptism. Matthew 18;3. & Acts 8;26-9;22. Does your faith have any firm foundations? Matthew 7;13-29. (Vs 24-27) Luke 6;46-49. Don't harden your hearts! Hebrews 3;15. Mark 3;1-6, 6;45-52, 8;13-21. Everyone of us shall give an account of himself to God. Romans 14;12. Luke 19;11-27. Examine yourself. 2 Corinthians 12;14-13;14 (13;5). Examine Yourself, Whether You Are in The Faith. 2 Corinthians 13;5. 1 John 5;1-21. Faith is what is really important. Ephesians 2;1-10 Four Truths & Three reason why they are Important. Matthew 7;13-29. Good News! Corinthians 15;1-11. I have sinned. Luke 15;11-24. (Vs 18 & 21). Look - and Live! Numbers 21;4-9 (Vs 9) & John 3;14&15. Our message. 1 John 1;1-2;2. Painted fire needs no fuel. James 1;21 & Psalms 32;1-11. Paul's Conversion, a good example of what Christian Conversion is. Acts 9;1-22. Ten solemn truths. Matthew 7;13-29. (Vs 21-23). The Apex of History - The Cross of Christ. John 3:16. The Bare Irreducible Minimum. Hebrews 11;6, 9;22, 12;14. Titus 2;1-15. The best-known verse, in the Bible. John 3;16. (Romans 3;10-28). The Gospel - First things First. 1 Corinthians 15;1-11. The Gospel Message. 2 Corinthians 5;20-6;2. The 'Great Divide'. 1 Corinthians 1;17-2;5. (1;18). The Judgement Day & God will Judge all. Acts 17;31. The last enemy destroyed - death. 1 Corinthians 15;26. The lost message of Jesus. The most basic truths of all. Romans 10;9-10. Luke 15;11-32. The Love that Never Fails. Romans 8;28-30. The Most Famous Sentence in The Bible. John 3;1-20 (Vs 16). The Nature of Faith. Ephesians 2;8-9. The Nature of True Christianity. 2 Thessalonians 2;13-3;15. & 3 Testimonies. The Next Great Event the Judgement. Matthew 25;31-46. The Rich Fool. Luke 12;13-21. The Undying Gospel. Hebrews 11;6, 9;22, 12;14. The Whole Gospel, In A Single Verse. 1 Timothy 1;15. Matthew 1;18-25. Them & us. 1 Corinthians 1;17-2;5. (1;18). Thou Remainest; & God has Spoken through the Prophets & His Son who is Jesus Christ. Hebrews 1;10-11. We looking at the only message in the world that can deliver you from your sins. Luke 15;11-32. What a Christian is? 2 Thessalonians 2;13-3;5. What is Conversion? Matthew 18;3. What it means to be Converted? Acts 2 ;1-22. What the Christ will do when He comes? Isaiah 32;2. When the King comes back! (Judgement) Matthew 25;31-46. (Vs 32). Who Is This Jesus? Matthew 21;10. Why None Christians Need, The Gospel? Psalm 9;17 & Luke 16;19-31.